Hi I’m Riaz Thompson, a Freelance Web Developer with years of excperience developing in various languges ranging from PHP to C++. I take each new development project as a means to better sharpen my skills in area’s I’m comfortable with and those I’m not.
Having initially studied Digital Games Production at The University of Brighton, I became very adept at taking the core skills needed to produce games in various engines and marry them to the ever changing enviroments that I would face.

This lead beatifully into my first role as after graduting in Web Development, as while it’s wasn’t what I’d initially had in mind, it went hand in hand with the coding know how, lanuague hopping versatility and perfecting the precise balancing act of keeping your key systems from falling apart.
Since then, while I’ve looked back fondly at games as they are very much in my heart, I’ve also found a place for web development, and as a Game/ Web/ App Developer isn’t a job offered much, I’ve taken the opportunity to go freelance and have a crack at all three. So if I haven’t romanticized the Idea of hiring me too much, have a look over at my contact info and see what I can help you with. And if you still need convincing take a gander at my experience including:
Programming Languages
- The Web Dev Bread and Butter(HTML, CSS, JS)
- Sass/SCSS
- C#
- C++
(Worked with)
- Docker
- Laravel
- Nuxt
- Vue
- Postman
- Stripe
- Shopify
- WordPress
- Omeka S
- Phaser3
- Unity
- Godot
- Unreal Engine