I’m Riaz Thompson, also known as WorkingWiggz, I am a freelance web developer and this is my ever-updating calling card for a website.
Who am I again?
Stumbled onto my site by chance? No problem.
As said above, I am Riaz Thompson, a 27 year old freelance web developer, intiailly having studied with games and cut my teeth on maintaining back-end systems and developing andriod apps in my spare time, I fell in love with web development as a career and took the oppurtunity to go freelance to have more chances to work on varing projects and peoples.
That is the shorter version, if you want to know a bit more, you can read it on my About Me page.

How can I help you?
No matter how you got to this website, if you need assistance with something, be it:
- You need a new website made
- You have a great idea for a killer new app
- Need someone to help maintain your website
- Your website needs a new lick of paint
- You need someone to find that one problem bug that keeps bugging you
- Or anything else code or computer-related.
I am more than happy to help, drop me an email here at riazthompson02@gmail.com or head over to the contacting me page for other ways to reach me.